Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 8/28/08

Amended and Approved on 9/25/08


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow - Chair

Allen Garf

George Bailey - Treasurer

Jane Desberg - absent 

Arnold Cohen  - Clerk 

Susan Rich 

Peg Arguimbau 







Chair’s Report

Mr. Snow reported that Mr. Puritz asked him the amount of funds that could be available as relates to Camp Gannett. He reported that the Heights Playground group will come in to provide an update on the project. He also reported that the Selectmen want him to provide a CPC update on finances as well as projects in the pipeline.


Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Bailey reported that last year 62% of the $30,000 budget was spent bringing spending to $18,639. For fiscal year 2008 – 2009, $23,000 was requested. Planning was reduced to $16,400 as there are no specific planning needs at this time. Mr. Bailey moved to approve the budget as submitted for fiscal year 2009. Mr. Garf seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.


Mr. Bailey reported that there are two CPA forms to complete that he will electronically submit. These reports indicate where CP money was used. Mr. Bailey said he would send the data to all members and as there is a 9/15 deadline, if signatures are required the form will be left at the fire station.


Administrative invoices were signed.


Meeting Minutes

Ms. Arguimbau moved to accept the minutes of 6/26/08 as amended. Ms. Rich seconded the motion and the Committee voted 5-0-1 (Cohen)


CPC Bylaw Wording Changes

Mr. Bailey provided the Committee with a draft of the Sharon Community Preservation Committee By-Laws with suggested verbiage corrections. The Committee discussed these changes and made suggestions for wording rework as well as the positioning of the text in the proper context. Ms. Arguimbau suggested the addition of several new sections as well as a reorganization of the bylaw for better flow.


Other Business




Officer Elections

Mr. Snow suggested postponing officer elections until the full Board is present.


Project Updates


  1. Heights Playground – There was a huge volunteer turnout and the project was completed in three days.


Active Projects

  1. Historic Inventory Consultants – Dave Martin and Susan Rich met with the consultants. Recommendations for change were made. The final project should be available soon at the library, Historical Society and on-line. Certain houses were recommenced to be on the National Historical Register.


  1. Open Space – This is in the works, working on a draft for the end of October, beginning of November for public comments. Jennifer Goldson will do the project review.


  1. Camp Gannett - There were staff changes so not much has been done. Ms. Arguimbau stated that she is unsure if the deadlines are feasible because the Selectmen will initiate the appraisal of the land.


  1. Historic Documents – There is nothing to report. Mr. Snow said that the project could be fragmented based on different requestors. He suggested that the CPC could act as a facilitator.


  1. Wilber School – Ground-breaking is set for October.


Next Meeting



Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Garf moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm and Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The committee voted 6-0-0.